Thursday, August 20, 2009

Updates on Jayden and Sheila

Have not posted their pix for some time. Better put up now before they change further. Are you all able to identify who is Jayden and who is Sheila. I bet some of you may not be able to do so because we also mix up at times. Hahahaha....
Glad they are growing well and catching up with Daryl. Jayden was 3.7 kg at 2 mths old and now he is 5.7 kg while Sheila was 2.8 kg and now she is 5.25 kg.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

National Day...

Poor Daryl, suddenly has hive and is on National Day. Look at the rashes and the swollen eyes. We supposed to had dinner wif Max and Nicole's family to watch the fire works, end up we couldn't go :( Hope next year we can have the dinner again.