Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Birthday dinner

Hahahahahaha....again? Because our birthdays are very close to each other. This time is our baby sitter's birthday, so the 2 babies are wearing the same colour as her. We have sumptuous dinner at Imperial. Thanks to Morgan, managed to capture most of the dishes this time. Only miss out the bbq pork, soup, fried silver fish and desserts.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I am glad we are able to visit the River Ang Bao this year. Thought that it will be impossible for me to bring all the 3 of them there this year especially Jayden and Sheila still having flu. Luckily, Jasmine organized a dinner at Marina Square so that we could all go to the River for a walk after dinner. The weather was great for us, WINDY. Plus it was not very crowded, maybe most people rush to the Chingay show nearby.

Yummy Dinner at Marina Square Olio.....

Happy mummy with Jayden and Sheila

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Long time that I didn't post because really busy with the kids. They were taking turn to fall sick just 1 week before Chinese New Year. Started from Daryl, followed by Sheila and now Jayden :(. Really busy Chinese New Year for us.

Didn't take much photo during CNY too because Jayden not well throughout.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Reunion Dinner

We had early reunion dinner, one week before CNY, with my family at a Teochew restaurant in Chinatown. Thought we could have a walk in Chinatown after dinner, but the kids were too tired after the dinner. Sheila was having fever and started to be grouchy after her dinner. Daryl didn't have a proper nap that afternoon and getting impatient towards the end of the dinner.

Of course not only these 3 dishes, photographer too busy entertaining Daryl, so only managed to take a few shots.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

We are so tired.....

We are so tired?!?! Yes plus daddy's guitar really put us to sleep. ZZZZzzzzzz....

Hehehehehe... wake up liao. Just a 5 mins nap of the high-chair is more than enough for us. Play time.....