Thursday, August 18, 2011

Play time!

Sleeping time....

Bonding time...



Quiet time for daddy and mummy....

School outing to the library....


irischng said...

Hi, chance upon your blog & saw Daryl's photo. Beatrice is Daryl's classmate & they happened to start childcare on the same day 3 yrs ago. Beatrice always talk about Daryl at home. :)
Keep in touch. iRis

Joanne said...

Hihi Iris

I didn't notice they started sch on the same day :). Time flies, they left 1 more year to go. How can I contact u? Few of the classmates are going to polly wog on 29 Dec at 10.30 am, u want to join us?

irischng said...

Oops! I missed your message, got to be next round. My contact 96878402 or email